The sturdy, laminated covers of the literature guides were color-coded. Several blank note-taking pages follow the last chapter answer key. This particular teacher guide did NOT contain any quizzes or tests in the back. The 51-page teacher guide contains an exact full-size reproduction of the student pages with typed-in answer keys. Another summarization activity required her to illustrate and color a detailed scene from the story read up to that point including characters, setting, and plot action. My daughter was asked to identify quotations specific to particular story characters or to match character names to their descriptions. Note: All prices are subject to change without notice.Īn Honors Activity was included after Lessons 8, 14, and 20. A teacher could also read aloud and discuss the devotion at the beginning of class. It would be perfect for any family or Sunday school class learning about the Names of God. This book was included in my daughter's Easter basket this year. I know we explore the names of God during those holidays in my home.

I definitely think this devotion would make a GREAT Christmas or Easter gift. Diane Stortz, the author, distinctly presents the names of God which is the core message yet she weaves in an additional profound message that stands out with regards to God's plan to send Jesus who will make things right again.

The strong, spiritual message is given in a clear and concise manner that children can easily understand. We plan on using this devotion in the morning before beginning our school day. I highly recommend this well-written book to Christian families wanting to explore the Names of God. Amen." My 8-year-old daughter will most likely read aloud each prayer every day with me. In the case of the story above, the prayer was " Dear God, thank you for Jesus, our Great Physician. A corresponding Prayer concludes the devotion. The Devotion for the day consist of approximately 2-4 pages in length. Jesus asked the man to get up, pick up his mat, and go home after telling them he had authority to heal and forgive sins. The related Biblical truth stated in the banner is " Jesus heals and forgives." The Bible story titled Great Physician: Up, Down, Up was about four men in Capernaum who lowered their paralyzed friend down on a mat through the roof of a house where Jesus was staying to be healed. I have come to invite sinners to change their hearts and lives!" The translations for the scripture verses and passages referenced vary. For example, on page 128-129 the scripture verse is Luke 5:31-32 (ICB) which states "It is the sick who need a doctor. A Biblical truth or main idea is provided in a light purple banner on the page. A Bible story related to the verse helps the reader apply the newfound knowledge to their life.

Each page features one of the names of God with a pronunciation guide for more difficult names followed by the story title.Ī referenced scripture is indicated at the top of the page. The Bible stories begin with Genesis and end with Revelation. The book addresses stories from BOTH the Old and the New Testament. The four-page Table of Contents precedes A Letter to Parents. The book contains brightly animated and detailed illustrations within the pages that you'll surely adore and appreciate. It makes me think of God's light shining in our hearts and life. The textured cover of the glittery book is absolutely beautiful and sparkling.